Stonework is published by Houghton College, a Christian liberal arts college located in New York’s rural Genesee Valley. Stonework seeks a diverse mix of mature and emerging voices in fellowship with the evangelical tradition. Published twice a year, the journal reflects the arts community at Houghton College where excellence in music, writing, and the visual arts has long been a distinctive.

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  • Issue 6
    Poetry by Paul Willis and Thom Satterlee. Fiction and interview with Lori Huth. Essay by James Wardwell, and student poets from Christian campuses.
  • Issue 5
    Poetry by Susanna Childress and Debra Rienstra. Fiction excerpt by Emilie Griffin. Art from Houghton's 2007 presidential inauguration and a forum on women writing.
  • Issue 4
    Matthew Roth--new poems. Diane Glancy--from One of Us and an interview. John Tatter-on gardens and poetry. The Landscapes of John Rhett. Stephen Woolsey--on the poetry of Jack Clemo. James Wardwell--on Herrick.
  • Issue 3
    Poetry by Julia Kasdorf, Robert Siegel and Sandra Duguid. Fiction by Tom Noyes. The portraits of Alieen Ortlip Shea. An anthology of Australian Poets
  • Issue 2
    Thom Satterlee - Poems from Burning Wycliff with an appreciation by David Perkins. Alison Gresik - new fiction and an interview. James Zoller - Poems from Living on the Floodplain.
  • Issue 1
    Luci Shaw — new poems with an appreciation by Eugene H. Peterson & Hugh Cook — new fiction and an interview

Monday, July 03, 2006

Suite for a Blue Afternoon

David Wright

I (Theme)

We went to the park and became shadows.

It was a blue afternoon.

We went to the park and became long, spindly shadows.

It was a long, blue afternoon.

II (Landing Pattern)

A road runs beside the playground’s edge.

Above the swing sets, jets angle and whine against the sky’s grain.

On the swing sets, along yellow lined asphalt,

our daughter and her friends swing hard,

swing high, their legs uneven and ragged

in triplets against the improvised air.

III (March Tempo)

Pines filter and fine tune the wind.

Black oaks line up in pairs: shadow and tree, shadow and tree.

A cardinal-red kite tail traps itself in cross winds,

in branches, and flips against the too blue sky,

snaps like a finger and thumb, a finger and thumb,

snaps like a banner that might never come down.

IV (Lying/Laying Down)

I lie down in my tracks

in the unmuted sun.

You lay down too.

The grass still feels damp.

Light on a fence turns the chain

link diamonds blue.

Arranged on the ground like this,

like shadow and tree,

I want to ask you:

Wouldn’t a babysitter be nice?

Baby, wouldn’t we like to stay

right like this?

But my, oh my, we lie and listen

to the children swing,

the kite snap,

those high planes sing,

and the cars slow down

on this sweet, long, blue-spring afternoon.